
Santa Barbara




Santa Barbara




San Luis Obispo Personal Injury & Criminal Defense Attorney

Efficient and affordable resolutions for every case.

Proudly Serving these Counties:

San Luis Obispo • Santa Barbara • Monterey • Santa Cruz • Santa Clara • Kern • Tulare • Kings

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Managing Attorney

If you are involved in an accident, suffered injury, and want to be adequately compensated, your odds of success are much higher with an experienced personal injury attorney at your side. John has helped dozens of individuals receive just compensation for their injuries with minimal delay. He also has a sharp focus on costs to help insure each client's recovery is not substantially reduced by attorney fees and litigation and medical expenses.

If you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony, there is a real chance you could go to jail or state prison, pay large fines and be put on a lengthy probation program, among other penalties. John has helped hundreds of individuals either get their charges dismissed, or else significantly reduced, all at an affordable price. Furthermore, he strives to do this within three months of the first court appearance. He will not delay in setting the case for trial should the prosecution not negotiate.

If you are cited for a traffic offense, the odds of prevailing in court on your own are against you. John has helped countless individuals throughout California avoid high fines, points on their record, and license suspension, and has a track record of getting close to 100 cases dismissed.

Personal Injury Attorney

  • Automobile
  • Motor bike
  • Skateboard
  • Truck
  • Slip and Fall
  • On the job accidents
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Broken bones
  • Torn ligaments and tendons
  • Torn nerves and muscles
  • Loss of consortium
  • Emotional distress
When you are injured, you have a right to receive compensation from the responsible party. To receive fair compensation, you often must commence a lawsuit to prove that the other party is at fault and that your injuries are serious. This can be a very time-consuming and complicated undertaking and countless problems can arise.

What if you can’t find the at-fault party? What if the at-fault party blames you or someone else, has little or no insurance to cover your injuries, or claims you were not even injured or were injured but have fully recovered? How do you know if a settlement offer is a fair one? How do you represent yourself in a jury trial if the case does not settle? You need an experienced personal injury attorney who can address the hundreds of issues that arise in a typical case and ensure the best possible outcome.

Why Hire John Carlson?

Personal Injury Attorney

Product Liability Attorney

  • Failure to warn
  • Manufacturing defect
  • Design defect
  • Defective electronic devices
  • Defective medical equipment
  • Defective machinery
When you are injured while using a consumer or industrial product, there is a definite possibility that the product, and not your use of the product, was the problem. For example, a seat belt might not fasten properly, an electronic bike or skateboard might have defective hardware or software, or cooking equipment might explode. Determining how exactly the product malfunctioned can be difficult, sometimes requiring the assistance of engineers, designers and safety experts.

A defect may be based on a faulty design or faulty manufacturing, and the way to prove each one is different. Sometimes it is enough to just show that the product did not perform as safely as an ordinary consumer would expect, even when the product is being misused. You need an experienced product liability attorney with a background in engineering and technology to ensure that the product’s manufacturer, designer, and distributor are held accountable.

Why Hire John Carlson?

Product Liability Attorney

Traffic Citation Attorney

  • Driving over the speed limit
  • Reckless driving
  • Vehicle impoundment
  • Driving while texting
  • Running a stop sign
  • Correctible violations
A typical reaction when a person is given a traffic citation is: how do I get this ticket dismissed? Many people believe that traffic cases are simpler than criminal cases so can handle the case on their own. A traffic trial is much shorter than a criminal trial, but still involves the presentation of documentary evidence, testimony from parties and witnesses, cross-examination, lodging of objections, among other things.

For those who do represent themselves through a traffic trial, most admit that it is a time-consuming process and wonder if they could have achieved a better result in less time with an attorney. In many cases they could have. You need an experienced traffic attorney to handle all court proceedings for you, file all necessary paperwork, instruct you on everything that must be done by you before the court trial, and help ensure the best possible outcome.

Why Hire John Carlson?

Traffic Citation Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney

  • Driving under the Influence (DUI)
  • Driving with a Suspended License
  • Military Diversion
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Invasion of Privacy
  • Domestic Violence
  • Possession of a Deadly Weapon
  • Assault and Battery
  • Robbery and Burglary
  • Restitution hearings
  • Petitions for Record Expungement
  • Petitions to Reduce a Felony to a Misdemeanor
  • Motions to Vacate a Conviction
When you were arrested, you probably felt sad, angry and fearful all at the same time. You know you are innocent, or just made a mistake that will not happen again and want another chance. After your arrest, it is common for formal charges to be brought against you by the county’s District Attorney’s office. When this happens, it is critical that you seek advice from an experienced criminal defense attorney.

A good attorney will explain the elements of the offense, what defenses you have and how likely those defenses are to succeed, whether or not you should accept a plea deal or take the case to trial, among other things. A good attorney will also represent you in all in-court proceedings, as well as guide you on how to complete your sentencing requirements after a plea or trial.

Why Hire John Carlson?

Criminal Defense Attorney

Law Office Locations

San Luis Obispo Office
890 Osos St, Suite H
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 294-7980


Santa Barbara Office
1035 Santa Barbara St.
Suite 7
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 294-7980

Contact Attorney John Carlson Today

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